
Labyrinth idea

Today I have had a discussion with a few people and all agree the labyrinth concept is the strongest and clearly communicates the theme of hidden places.
After more research I have a clearer idea of what the film is about. A bit like the matrix the characters are lost in a digital world. So I want to communicate this in my design. perhaps looking at computer parts circuit boards ect may provide me with some more visuals.
I am also considering other ways of getting across the sci-fi aspect with out going for the obvious neon glow. Also I need to remember the use of this postcard is probably mainly to advertise the movie and therefore has to be desirable, something someone would want to pick up and own.

After some more design and experimentation, I think the monochrome is working well. Perhaps I could use a metallic foil which would also add to the sci-fi, techno theme. The design needs more work on the line shape, rounding the curves and applying a narrower line.

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