
Photographed product (male range)

Quit a good photo shoot I think. Sam and Ed were willing and very helpful to model the T-shirts for me. I started by hanging the t-shirts up to see the print flat. I probably should have used a coat hanger because it is not realistic to hang the shirts in this way. But i think it was a good alternative to captured the prints as I wanted.
The photographs demonstrate well the T-shirt designs in context on person. Particularly with the bear design I thought it suited the model well and demonstrated how the print wraps round the body.
I tried to give the models some direction. The designs are intended for a young teen/adult target audience so I asked the models to have fun and enjoy wearing the shirts. I didn't want a to serious look or pose that would be associated with wearing an older adult suit or something .
Originally I let Sam keep his hat on, but looking back now I think it draws attention away from t-shirt design.

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